5 Ways to Strengthen Your Leadership Presence


If you’re new to a leadership role, or an established leader looking to further your career, there’s one thing you need to get right: your presence. While it may sound like a buzzword, presence is actually a crucial part of being an effective leader—and I’m not just talking about how good you look in front of a crowd. That kind of presence comes from building trust and credibility with others and aligning yourself with their goals. But what does that mean?

Be confident in your decisions.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes our first instinct is to second-guess ourselves, but when it comes to being a leader, it’s important not to be afraid of making mistakes and learning from them. If you’re going to make decisions that affect others, they need to know that they can trust you and have faith in your judgment–even if those decisions turn out not to have been perfect ones! The best leaders understand this concept well: they don’t get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan; instead, they use these experiences as opportunities for growth and improvement on future projects.

Don’t be afraid ask for help when needed either: there are times when even experienced leaders may find themselves struggling with something new or unfamiliar–for example if someone asks me how much experience I have with something technical like coding software development tools then I will admit honestly “not much at all!”. But no worries because there are plenty other people who could probably answer better than me anyway 🙂

Practice listening.

Listening is a skill, not a passive activity. Active listening is the best way to understand people and show them that you care about their ideas.

Here are some tips:

  • Focus on the speaker, not yourself or what you’re going to say next. Put away your phone and stop checking social media or messages while others are talking–it will make them feel unvalued and uncomfortable sharing information with you in future meetings if they think they have your full attention when they speak up.
  • Keep eye contact with whoever is speaking; don’t look around or glance away as though bored by what they’re saying (even if it’s true). This sends signals that could hurt relationships down the line when working together on projects where trust matters most!

Think of yourself as a coach, not just as someone who gives orders.

The first step is to think of yourself as a coach, not just as someone who gives orders. As a leader, you’re responsible for the success of your team–and that means helping them develop their skills and reach their goals. You don’t need to be an expert in everything (and chances are you won’t be). But by being willing to learn alongside your team members–and then sharing what you’ve learned with them–you’ll be able to guide them toward success even when there’s no clear path forward or simple answers available.

A good coach doesn’t just give orders; he or she listens carefully, asks questions, observes closely and provides feedback based on what’s happening on the field or court (or workspace). In other words: Coaching requires empathy; it requires understanding how other people feel during any given situation so that you can help them improve themselves accordingly without making them feel embarrassed about asking questions along the way.

Work with a mentor or coach who can help you build your leadership presence.

A mentor can help you build your leadership presence by providing guidance and support. A good mentor will challenge you to be the best version of yourself, which means they’ll hold you accountable for taking action on their advice. They also have experience in areas where you may not yet have expertise, so they can offer insights that no one else has thought of before.

Your mentor doesn’t have to be someone who works at the same company as you do; they just need to be able to offer valuable advice based on their own experiences. You could seek out a mentor within your industry or even outside of it–but make sure whoever becomes your coach has knowledge relevant to where YOU are right now in life! If you are interested in mentorship then check out our options here.

You can make a strong first impression on people without being pushy or aggressive

You can make a strong first impression on people without being pushy or aggressive.

As a leader, it’s important to be confident in yourself and your abilities. But there are ways to be assertive without being aggressive. This means having confidence in yourself while also respecting the opinions of others–and communicating clearly what you need from them.

Be confident in yourself, but not arrogant. A lot of times we may feel like we know better than others because we’ve been doing something for so long or have had experience with it before (like leading). But remember that everyone has value and brings something unique into any situation–even if they don’t seem as experienced as us yet! So always give credit where credit is due…

In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of developing a leadership presence. If you want to become an effective leader, one who inspires trust and respect in others while guiding them toward greatness with their vision, then it’s necessary work.

If you would like to join our Boss Bombshells Leadership Retreat check it out here

For more check out www.hellohappyceo.com

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