Does a 4-day work week work?

Now that life is “getting back to normal” after Covid, we are seeing ALL kinds of changes in the business world. 
One such change is an alternate work week. 

Today’s blog will explore a relatively new concept:  Does a 4-Day Work Week REALLY Work?

There are certain businesses that this model will absolutely NOT work for.  Production factories that need to run 24/7 would be an example of this.  Emergency Rooms would be another.  

In terms of small business owners and entrepreneurs, the idea of a 4-day work week seems rather intriguing.  Alex Soojung-Kim Pang’s book, “Shorter:  Work Better, Smarter, & Less- Here’s How”  Alex Soojung-Kim Pang’s Book brings up some VERY compelling points.  

People tend to have better productivity with an alternative work week.  Not only is productivity increased, but employees are stating they are more satisfied with their jobs and life in general!  

For the employer, an alternative work week shows a marked decrease in overhead costs.  Less electricity & water being used, etc.  Additionally, employees are using far fewer sick days, which again leads to higher productivity.  

Lastly, an enormous benefit of alternative work weeks is improved work-life balance for everyone involved!

While the concept of alternative work weeks is seemingly advantageous, we suggest listening to Amy Porterfield’s
It’s interesting to hear how she implemented an alternative work week in her world. 
CNN also published a very compelling article that discusses the pros and cons of this new way of working.  

Here are a few tips that will hopefully make the transition more smooth.  

  1.  Find ways to streamline work. Oftentimes, you can set up systems to automate the responses you’d normally, as a small business owner, send out manually.  Look for ways within your systems where you can automate.  This comes in especially handy for the days when you are “off the grid.”
  2. Set up meetings for earlier in the week with reminders that you’ll be offline on Fridays.  
  3. Lastly, setting clear boundaries and expectations – both with your employees and with your clients/customers.  Even more important here is to actually stick to those boundaries!!!  The minute you don’t will be like opening floodgates! 

Have you read our other blog articles?  Still looking for a way to feel “happy” as an entrepreneur?  Check out this article: Happy CEO blog

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