What To Do When You Feel Stuck Inside Your Business

Creativity is a process and not a destination. That is why creative careers and female entrepreneurs require the right amount of dedication, patience, and perseverance to excel in them. It’s not easy to remain motivated and inspired every day when you feel stuck inside your creative career. You might find yourself feeling stuck from time to time because there will be days when you won’t have any new ideas, or you might feel like everything you make is coming out boring. Any creative person will experience moments of uncertainty and confusion. However, this does not mean that your career as an artist has come to an end. The first step when you feel stuck inside your creative career is recognizing all the negative thoughts that go through your head on a daily basis. Think about what activities trigger these anxious feelings, what situations stress you out, and so on.

Identify The Root of The Problem

Once you understand what negative thoughts are holding you back from progressing in your creative career, you can start thinking about how you can eradicate them. You should sit down and write down all the thoughts that go through your head on a daily basis. Maybe you find yourself saying, “I’m never going to get published,” or “Something inside me is broken.” You can write these thoughts down on a piece of paper and then rip it off and throw it away.

Set Realistic Goals

Success and creativity are not synonyms. Success can be measured in many different ways, but creativity is measured by how much you produce. If you feel like you are not creating anything new, it can be discouraging, and you might start to feel like you are failing as an artist. However, you should ask yourself one important question. “Am I creating to a level where I’m happy with my work?” If the answer is no, then you need to set more realistic goals. This will help you stay motivated and stop the constant feeling of disappointment. Instead of thinking that you have to publish a book by the end of the year, set smaller goals for yourself. Like writing 500 words per day or creating five different paintings.

Revisit Your Purpose

If you don’t know what your purpose is, you will never be happy with your creative career. If you have been feeling stuck inside your creative career, perhaps your purpose has changed. Maybe you used to be a landscape painter, but now you want to focus your creative energies on portraiture. It’s normal for your interests and desires to change as you grow older. If you have been thinking about changing your creative field, but you feel stuck inside your creative career because you don’t know where to start, you should ask yourself these three questions: What do you love? What are you good at? What do people need from you? Ask yourself these questions and see what they lead you to.

Find A Creative Partner To Collaborate With

If you are feeling stuck inside your creative career and you are not sure what to do next, you should seek the help of another creative person. You can partner with another artist to help you brainstorm new ideas and exchange feedback on your work. Collaborating with another creative person can help you to stay inspired and motivated. If you are an aspiring author, you can exchange feedback on manuscript pages. If you are a painter, you can brainstorm new ideas and exchange feedback on your paintings.

Reorganize Your Office

If you have been feeling stuck inside your creative career, it might be because your environment is not inspiring enough. You might be sitting in a messy office with paint splatters on the floor, or you might be looking at the same four walls every day. If you want to get unstuck, you need to make some changes to your work environment. You can paint the walls of your office a bright color, or you can buy some inspiring posters to hang on the walls. You can also rearrange your office and make it more comfortable by adding more lighting.


As a female entrepreneur, when you are feeling stuck inside your creative career it’s important to be patient and not give up. There will be days when you don’t feel inspired, but that does not mean that you should stop creating altogether. Remember that creativity is a process, and not a destination. That is why creative careers require the right amount of dedication, patience, and perseverance to excel in them.

To learn more about getting “unstuck” as a female business owner, tune in to episode 11 of the Happy CEO Podcast and discover tips and tricks on moving forward when you don’t feel clarity or inspiration. Learn how to inspire yourself again and ways to gain back momentum. You have goals, let Happy CEO Podcast help you reach them!

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