Stop Making These Mistakes When it Comes to Time


Let’s be real: time is our most precious resource. It’s the only thing that can’t be replaced, and yet… we all waste it. Even if you’re a time-management rock star who has mastered her routine, chances are there are still some ways in which you could improve your use of time. So here are five mistakes women make when it comes to their day-to-day scheduling and how to avoid them!

Mistake #1 – You don’t block out time for yourself.

The first mistake you can make is not blocking out time for yourself. You see, when it comes to taking care of others, we often forget about ourselves. This means that we are always going at full speed and never give ourselves a chance to recharge.

It’s important that you have some time set aside where you can relax and recharge so that you don’t burn out or get sick from working too hard all the time!

Here are some examples of how best-selling author Gretchen Rubin does this:

She blocks off her calendar every Sunday afternoon as “Me Time.”  In her book Better Than Before: Mastering The Habits Of Our Everyday Lives, she says “I’m very careful about protecting my Sundays because I believe they’re essential if I’m going to feel balanced.”

Mistake #2 – You’re afraid of missing out on something.

You don’t know what you’re missing out on, and even if you did, it probably wouldn’t be that important anyway. There are countless things that could happen in your life–but the reality is that most of them won’t happen at all. And even if they do, chances are good that whatever happens will be fine without your input or involvement! You can’t do everything or be everywhere at once; one must choose their battles wisely so as not to spread themselves too thin (which leads me into mistake #3Schedule your day.Schedule your day.).

This is where being selective comes in handy; focus on what matters most to you at this particular moment in time instead of worrying about everything else going on around the world and making decisions based solely off emotion rather than logic/reasoning skillset.”

Mistake #3 – Not creating a schedule for your day.

The first step to getting more done is making sure that you’re starting each day in the right mindset, with a plan for what you want to accomplish that day. This can be as simple as writing down three things that have to get done or creating an agenda with specific tasks planned out (and even scheduled). This allows you to be more intentional about how much time each task takes, which will help prevent over-scheduling yourself later in the week and having too much left over at the end of it all.

The last thing anyone wants is for their weekdays to turn into a stressful mess because they were so busy.

Mistake #4 – Not setting boundaries

You’ve got to set boundaries. If you don’t, you’ll end up feeling like a victim of your own time and energy. You can’t be everything to everyone all the time, so why not choose what matters most? 

Setting boundaries means making conscious decisions about where your personal limits lie – and sticking by them no matter what other people say or do!

Boundaries help you to stay focused on what’s important. They also protect you from feeling overwhelmed by the demands of others, because they let people know what’s ok and what isn’t. If someone tries to push your boundaries or break them down, then it’s up to you to decide whether or not that behavior is acceptable!

Mistake #5 – Not using your time to be creative

If you’re a creative person, this is especially important for you. Creativity is a skill that can be improved and developed over time. Time management is also a skill that can be improved and developed over time. The two aren’t mutually exclusive–they’re actually complementary! Being creative may help you manage your time better because it gives you more ideas about how best to use it (and vice versa).

Mistake #6 – Not having a routine or system in place

The next mistake people make is not having a routine or system in place. You may have heard that it’s important to have a routine, but what exactly does that mean?

A routine is simply a series of actions you take on a regular basis, at the same time and in the same order. For example: If I get up at 6am every day and go through my morning routine (brushing my teeth, taking a shower etc.), then by 7am I’m ready for work! That’s an example of my daily schedule being broken down into smaller chunks so that everything gets done without me having to think about it too much or worry about forgetting something. This also makes life easier when unexpected things come up.

Having a routine doesn’t mean that you’re always stuck doing the same thing every day. It means that you have a system in place for how to get things done and make life easier on yourself. You don’t need to stick with this system forever, but as long as it works for you then it’s worth keeping around!


I hope this has helped you to stop making these common mistakes when it comes to time management. Remember, the most important thing is to start with what works for you! If something doesn’t work out, don’t worry about it – just move on and try again another day.

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