How You Can Become The Go-To Expert In Your Industry

We all know that one person who is an absolute icon. Every industry has them. When you think of a specific topic – you know who pops into your mind…

It is that person everyone is looking up to as the symbol of success. Their voice is a trusted one, their customers love them and their business revenue is there to prove it.

Could that be you? Of course!

Imagine this – people are talking about your area of expertise and they think about your business first. Imagine your customers have the same level of loyalty to your brand that some people have to their favorite coffee shop?

It might seem too good to be true, but it’s not. 

Most of us think achieving “expert status” is harder than it actually is. Why is that? Because most people are stuck on one of two things. Either they can’t gain the trust of their customers or they can’t build confidence in themselves. 

Gaining trust and building confidence should not be what keeps you from achieving the level of recognition that you deserve. But if you’re like most female entrepreneurs, that is most likely what’s stopping you from becoming a known expert in your field. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. You absolutely know you’re great at what you do. You know that what you have to offer has the power to be transformational in people’s lives. 

It’s finally time for you to become the go-to expert in your industry.


The thought of being the person in your industry might feel like a wild  dream, but trust me– it is possible. You just need to know how to create a business that welcomes, nurtures and celebrates your customers so you can gain their trust and build that confidence in yourself. Here’s how you’ll do it…

1  – Create Valuable Content

I am sure that you are thinking, “What does the content have to do with becoming an expert in my field?”

The answer is – everything.

Most people that follow your brand on social media have not bought anything from you yet, right? They’re just engaging with your free content to decide if they like and trust you enough to spend their money.

Most people take a while to decide if they like and trust your brand enough to take the leap and make the financial commitment. They need to decide if it is worth it.

That means that every post you share on social media, every email blast you send to your list and every freebie you have on your website needs to be valuable content. 

BUT, it’s not enough for the content to be valuable – it needs to be shareable.

Valuable content nurtures the audience that exists, but shareable content extends your reach far wider. When your content is of high-value and it’s being shared, new people start coming to your account to engage with your content, too. That’s when your brand goes from good to great. 

If the idea of creating valuable, shareable content makes you feel stressed out, we get it. We offer Social Media Management services, where we create and post content for you! Reach out to if this is something you are interested in.

2 – Nurture a Community Around Your Brand

People want to be part of a community. It’s one of the reasons social media is such a huge success – because people want to be a part of something bigger than just themselves.

As an entrepreneur, you should build a community around your brand. That might be just creating a Facebook group, quality engagement on your social media posts or encouraging your consumers to connect with one another.

Masterminds are a great way to network and build a community. We run a 6 month mastermind for like-minded women to connect! 

3 – Celebrate Successes

When you celebrate your customers’ success – you start to build confidence in yourself.

Your customers have stories to tell about why they love your business. It’s time for you to listen and believe them.

What you’re doing is making an impact in the world and changing your customers’ lives. Read your customers’ testimonials, then share them. You’ll feel confident in your business and attract more customers at the same time.  

Imagine what it would feel like to be the go-to expert in your industry. Imagine having a loyal community of people who believe in your brand and business and keep coming back because they love what you offer that much.

If you are looking for support in growing your brand then consider joining Dr. Jessica Emery in one of her coaching offers. They are designed for women who are looking for life-changing support that’ll bring clarity, purpose and accountability to your life, mindset, career and goals! 

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